You can use your email address and password to log-in to your existing account below and complete your claim for a settlement payment or check on its status.
VIN Match
Thank you for entering your VIN.
We confirm that it is for a vehicle affected by the diesel emissions issue. Please click “Next” to continue your claim.
VIN Does Not Match
Thank you for entering your VIN.
The VIN you have provided does not match the VINs affected by the diesel emissions issue.
The court-ordered deadline to register a claim for a settlement payment has also now passed.
The VIN you have provided is for a vehicle affected by the diesel emissions issue. However, the court-ordered deadline to register a claim for a settlement payment has now passed and you will not be able to register a claim in respect of this vehicle.
The VIN you have provided matches a VIN recorded on an ‘opt out’ form previously received by the Federal Court of Australia. This means that you have opted out of the class actions and are unable to participate in the settlement.